Monday, November 08, 2004

mex it out

sara on america's top model is really pretty... her hair is GoRgEoUs

tmrw is ao maths. wat if i dont pass? wat if i do? wat if i almost pass and knew that if i'd worked that little much harder i would've?

is it time for reproach? when it comes down to it... i really dont know. sometimes its like a sacrifice, one subject for another, and this philosophy (if it can be called such) carried me through track nats and competitions and terms and prelims. does it still hold now? am i even able to pass if i want to now? today was the first time i touched maths in one million years. there's tmrw, and then six more days to paper two, and i feel... calm, unfettered, unruffled. if i really gave a damn about maths i'd be freaking out right now.

or rather, i'd be freaking out now two weeks ago when i'd scheduled myself to start math revision.

whywhywhy dint i start when i should have? cos i dint freak out? i'm not freaking out now so that must mean something... probably that im a stupid fool for being lazydazyhazy. assonance.

at least. at least... today i managed to start, and its not so hard once the rhythm comes up. as long as i keep to it i think i'll pass maths. i hope. and hopefully this not at the price of my other subjects.

i hope april wins cos she's asian
oh no now they're deciding who to kick out!


they kicked out sara!!!


i will go and mope now