Friday, February 06, 2009


I think I'm just too fickle for my own good. Make up your mind, brother!

Valentine's Day always leads to rash decisions, so don't.

Class with jaime. Lunch with soks, dinner with natalie, saw sarah at the bus terminal. lunch tmrw with xh. I bought curry buns today, and made a cup of coffee at home.

But I'm actually much happier now than at almost any time I've been in the past few years. More confident, more animated. More free from boundaries. More alive from the chase. I want things to stay/change, but decisions are always hard to make when marching.

Trip to sungei buloh on saturday! C'est interessant!

one of those facebook things that people are doing now

Rules : Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you. :)

Tagged by: Michelle Teo, and Trixie Tang, who likes food, and pandas, and to whom i will give a packet of hello panda just to see her reaction.

1. I love coffee and gummies. Coffee makes my world go round! Gummies just give me cavities, so there's a bit of a love-hate thing going on there.

2. I keep fish. A corner of my balcony is filled with fishtanks haha! Some of my fish are like 'only for expert care' in taxonomy guides, but I'm pretty 'beginner care' only so there seems to be some discrepancy somewhere. I also have a tortoise that eats beans and craps everywhere in the balcony.

3. I love sashimi! Eh.. the karma works out somehow. Anyway i already expect i'll be reborn as a cockroach.

4. CATS! not the musical i mean, which i've never watched, but i love big fluffy real cats! I'd keep them but i'm afraid they'll escape thru the windows from my 3rd floor place and die. And they'll eat my fish.

5. I'm actually pretty clueless most of the time! Sometimes i walk into the LT without knowing what the class is, and I still need to look at the signs to get around arts fac. so sometimes people think i'm dao when i walk past them in the corridors or in the deck...but i'm actually just kinda lost.

6. Conversations: Its not because i don't have anything intelligent to say, but because I like to listen to what other people are saying.

7. When I was young: I once dived off a table, hit the wall and got sent to the hospital for a broken arm. I once also spun around until i got so dizzy I hit my face onto the same table and got sent to the hospital for split gums. Another time, I did a backflip off a lorry and got sent to the hospital for stitches on my head. But they were all different hospitals, so it was pretty cool.

8. I want to join another sport, and gain weight, but neither seems to be happening:(

9. I've failed every math test except at my PSLEs and 'O' Levels, tho I got F9 for AO Math at my 'A's. I do know how to count though. Toes are very useful.

10. I'm easily amused! If i ever laugh at you, please don't take it badly! It's just that i'm super amused by the random things people say or do, and it keeps me happy in a generally depressing world. :D

11. I love my friends alot! After my relative hermitage of some time ago, I'm trying to rediscover all my old friends. One of the things I sincerely regret was leaving them of out my life during those years, and relying on the arbitrary significance of a 'significant' other. Yeah, I'm doing time for it now, but i've learnt a valuable lesson:)

12. <-- Twelve is blank because of quantum.

13. Green stuff is cool. Like recycling, trees, and my room wall cos i painted it green.

14. SHOPPING. When i'm bored i go shopping, even if its by myself, and look at clothes and accessories and random stuff like gachapon egg-capsule thingies. My mum scolds me for having more clothes than my sister.

15. I feel that its perfectly fine for a guy to have alot of clothes. And like shopping. And sometimes gush about hot guys.

16. I also do not have legions of female fans who scream my name with a squeal at the end, and who want to take pictures with me everywhere they see me. They only appear when i close my eyes.

17. I like peace and quiet, especially at the beach. Unfortunately, the view keeps getting obscured by Bangla workers walking past hand-in-hand. Its so irritating to have a sentosa hiatus interrupted by foreign workers walking around everywhere. Plus the hand-holding thing is so freaky!

18. I think I'm quite full of nonsense.

19. LOVE DANCE. Hip-hop and modern, and lockin and poppin. But i don't do any anymore, because i think life is taking me in new directions. Also because i can't reach my toes anymore.

20. Pigeons are funny creatures. When another pigeon lands next to other pigeons on a ledge, they'll shuffle around in their little pigeon step until they're equidistant from each other. Its also very funny when they shit on people's cars. I like animals la haha, too bad i don't have animal planet or national geographic on tv.

21. French is a beautiful language and i'm learning it now!

22. My life is full of contradictions! Like, I'm always looking for new stuff to eat, but i'm also totally contented eating the same stuff everyday. And i'm easily bored by alot things, but i feel reassured by the boring constancy of things. And i like to meet new people but i don't really like talking to people i don't know very well. Uh.

23. I would never have written this if i did not also read the weird/funny/strange things about people beforehand! It was pretty fun to read!

24. There's a lion dance going on in the void deck of the next block, and the chiangchiangchianging is sync-ing with red hot chili pepper's "by the way" on itunes...... its a divine sign that i should close the windows.

25. i try to do things differently, or at least I'd like to think so. because it'd be no fun otherwise! very soon i will change the world too.

haha just kidding, i'm not obama.

Sunday, February 01, 2009


I'm kinda confused right now, and I feel pretty entitled to it. While I saw it coming and was generally approving of the match, what i didn't expect was the when and in what manner. It was pleasant to know the two of you fit like peas in a pod, and i was glad that he liked you so much to get together that soon... but. Wasn't something missing? ie, telling me about it? You could tell me 'oh, cos I wasn't sure mah...' and you'd expect me to believe, Miss Self-Confident, I-Always-Know-Whats-Happening, and who once chided me for not being able to see things (eg your affection?) that are right in front of me? I feel somewhat betrayed in the manner of events...

But then again. It was an open relationship, and while I could have, I shouldn't expect too much especially in retrospect. I do feel like I disappointed you, in what I could not give you. I do feel I led you on for a bit too long, in my own semi-reciprocity. But now, I just wish you happiness, peace and contentment, and that he treasures you for all the specialness that you are. I can say I loved you in my own way... but only he could give you that full-blown romantic love, that spiritual comfort, that musical passion..

And though things might never go back to the way they were between us before our episode, I wish that we remain friends.