yesterday whiling time away trying to look decent and unchildish sitting alone in the airport i had some deep thoughts that i cant for the world remember now..
thats the problem with thoughts
once you forget, you might as well never have had the memory in the first place. thats good or bad? probably both. depends on what you want to forget (or is it whether you want to forget?)
the little conundrums of daily life.
looking for a piece of paper to write spiralling thoughts down, but just too troublesome to walk around. anyway people kept looking at me for some reason, like i'm weird or something.. which made me feel super self-conscious, and a bit weird too. so just sat down outside row 17 and asked the universe what it ws trying to do.
and the answer is... 41
what!! the ultimate answer to the universe, to life, to death and to everything, is...
'41' !?!?
ah but Hitchhiker's Guide says.. you have to find the ultimate question in order to understand the ultimate answer to everything.
but i guess there just isnt any meaning to the universe, except where you choose to find it. anything, any single event can have one answer, two meanings, a thousand branches and a million divergings... but what matters is which path you choose to scramble down on that makes your life worth living. what your own beliefs tell you is true is all that makes the difference, because its your own life, and its your own choice, and what you choose to accept as truth turns into the guiding principle of your own life.
choice is an illusion? choice is rationality in a nutshell. yes to this cos its good, no to this other cos its.. not so good. people just think there is no choice because they cant accept the not so good options.
see.. people are just inherently..
stupid. fickle.
i dont understand people and their black cat superstitions sometimes.