Why AH will get burnt to a roast piglet skin if a fire breaks out in school
AH will take 2 hours to decide where to meet
AH will lose a third its ppl as they go to the toilet unexpectedly and get burnt to death there
AH will lose a quarter of its ppl as they talk to friends from Australia who mysteriously appear out of nowhere, and get burnt to crocodile crispiness together
AH will lose a few ppl to the Man-Eating Canteen. “I’m gonna get a drink first” and they never return. Ever.
AH will lose a few ppl to the Econs Consultation force, whose intense gravitational pull is formed by the superdense Econs material.
AH will lose J.Bo to Ben Affleck. Also happens every recess, lunch and class gathering.
The rest will be lost to the Heisenberg Uncertainty effect, which states that if AH moves through space at y speed and has x people and x+1 movie choices, then the exact final position of the movie theater AH arrives at cannot be determined, except that space is on fire and AH gets burnt to charred ducks and y is O cos AH doesnt move anyway. If you dont understand it, its ok. It is all Quantum.
Hence AH will get burnt to fried chicken if a fire breaks out in school.